domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014


Celebro que sigo viva y que tengo un lugar al que ir. Que cuando vuelva tendré un techo bajo el que cobijarme y un plato caliente sobre la mesa. Y celebro que cada paso que doy me lleva más lejos que el anterior. Que, con o sin loterías ganadas, sigo dando las gracias cada mañana cuando abro los ojos y mi situación no es peor. Que la historia que cuento es de lujo en comparación a otras personas, otras familias, otras situaciones. Que eso si es el verdadero Gordo. Y que si no vuelvo, seguiré estando igual de agradecida porque he podido vivir y ese, ese es el mayor premio que me va a tocar jamás.

Someone hears a lie
somewhere underneath
Caught between the reeling
mirroring the beat
I no longer fit
and the years asleep
Show no sense of holding
staring aimlessly
I wanna go…
south of the river,
glacier slow
in the heart of the winter
I wanna go…
south of the river,
face it alone
in the heart of the winter
And this we'll celebrate
This we'll celebrate
There and on the stage,
this is a mistake
Damn me off the long
Down the earth and moon,
Damp and clawing kneeling
rustling into change.
In a moment I was caught
from the calling by a steam
From the moment of a hot
I wanna go…
south of the river,
glacier alone
in the heart of the winter
I wanna go…
south of the river,
face it slow
in the heart of the winter
I am knotted at the love called home
Few became
few became as glory as long locked as the forest state
and starting living near
Harrow since,
harrow since the farthest reaching under we inside a cheat, his banks again, so dear
Someone hears a lie
somewhere underneath
Caught between the reeling
mirroring the beat
I no longer fit
and in years we fall
Silence is so cold
and there's no sense at all
And I was someone else,
I was something good
Barrelling at the old
There along the door
I wanna go…
south of the river,
face it alone
in the heart of the winter
I wanna go…
south of the river,
face it alone
in the heart of the winter

James Vincent McMorrowGlacier
Disco: Post Tropical (2014)

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